Warehouse workers file National Labor Relations Board complaint

By Joseph S. Pete
NW Indiana Times

Warehouse workers who objected to working in minus 15 degree Fahrenheit weather this winter filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board this week.

They say several workers, including Warehouse Worker Organizing Committee leader David Fields, were fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns, such as that brakes on forklifts were bad and there was not a fire alarm system at the Walmart Consolidation Center #7100 on 141st Street in Hammond. The Unfair Labor Practice charges seek reinstatement and back pay.

“All we want is to be safe at work, moving millions in Walmart freight,” Fields said. “But instead they are fighting us every step of the way. They fired me to try and stop us, but this just makes me want to fight harder to win justice.”

Read more at NWI.com

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